Sep 30, 2010

اور یہ کہ میرا بولنا ذکر ہو اور میرا دیکھنا عبرت

    ''وہ نظروں کی خیانت جان جاتا ہے اور سینوں کے راز اس پر عیاں ہوتے ہیں''۔
    مسئلے کا آغاز چونکہ 'گرد وپیش میں پڑنے والی نگاہ' سے ہوتا ہے، ہم دیکھتے ہیں قرآن میں غضِ بصر کا ذکر حفظِ فرج سے بھی پہلے آتا ہے۔
    حادثے جب بھی ہوتے ہیں ابتدا نگاہوں سے ہوئی ہوتی ہے۔ زیادہ تر آگ چھوٹی چھوٹی چنگاریوں سے بھڑکی ہوتی ہے جو کہ بالآخر آدمی کو اپنی زد میں لے لیتی ہے۔ 'نگاہ' اٹھتی ہے۔ پھر 'خیال' آجاتا ہے، پھر 'قدم' اٹھ جاتے ہیں اور پھر 'گناہ' ہو جاتا ہے۔ اسی لئے کہا گیا ہے جو شخص ان چار محاذوں پر پہرے بٹھا لے اس کا دِین محفوظ ہو جاتا ہے:
    نگاہیں،     خیالات،     کلمات     اور اِقدامات
    آدمی کو چاہیے وہ ان چار دروازوں پر آپ ہی اپنے نفس کا دربان بن کر کھڑا رہے۔ ان چاروں جہتوں سے جہاں کہیں کوئی رخنہ آجانے کی صورت بنے وہیں پر فوری ترین کارروائی کرڈالے۔ یہ طے ہے 'شخص' جب بھی داخل ہوگا یہیں کسی راستے سے اندر سرک آئے گا۔ البتہ اگر اسے اپنی افواج اندر لے آنے دیا گیا تب ضرور وہ یہاں کا سب کچھ تلپٹ کر جائے گا اور یہاں کی سب خوبصورت تعمیرات کو خاک میں ملا ڈالے گا۔
    پس زیادہ تر گناہوں کو نفس کی دُنیا میں در آنے کیلئے راستہ انہی چار دروازوں سے ملتا ہے۔ پس ہم اِن میں سے ہر ایک کی بابت علیحدہ علیحدہ کچھ گفتگو کریں گے۔
    جہاں تک 'نگاہ' کا تعلق ہے تو یہ بُری خواہشات کا ہر اول ہے اور اس کا تیز رفتار ترین ایلچی۔ اس سے تحفظ کر لینا ہی دراصل شہوتِ شر سے اپنا تحفظ کر لینا ہے۔ جو شخص اپنی نگاہ کو بے مہار چھوڑ دے وہ ضرور اسے بربادی کے کسی گڑھے میں پھینک کر آئے گی۔ نبی صلی اللہ علی وسلم خبردار کرتے ہوئے فرماتے ہیں: ایک نظر کے پیچھے دوسری نظر مت جانے دو۔ پہلی پر تمہیں چھوٹ ہے، پر دوسری پر نہیں۔
    مسند میں روایت ہوئی کہ آپ صلی اللہ علی وسلم نے فرمایا: نظر شیطان کے ترکش کا ایک بہت کاری تیر ہے۔ پس جو شخص کسی عورت کے محاسن پر جا پڑنے والی نگاہ محض اللہ کے خوف سے نیچی کر لے گا اللہ اس کے دِل میں (ایمان کی) ایک ایسی مٹھاس بٹھائے گا کہ جس کا مزہ روز ملاقاتِ خدواندی کہیں نہ جائے گا۔ یہ حدیث کا مفہوم ہے۔
    اسی طرح آپ صلی اللہ علی وسلم نے فرمایا: نگاہیں نیچی رکھا کرو اور عفت کا تحفظ کرو۔
    اسی طرح آپ صلی اللہ علی وسلم فرمایا: گزرگاہوں کے اندر براجمان ہو جانے سے اجتناب کرو۔ صحابہ رضی اللہ تعالی عنہم نے عرض کی یا رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علی وسلم ہم (غریبوں) کو اس کے سوا بیٹھنے کی کوئی جگہ ہی میسر نہیں۔ فرمایا: ہاں تو اگر کوئی چارہ ہی نہیں تو گزرگاہ کو اس کا حق بہرحال دو۔ عرض کیا: گزرگاہ کا حق کیا ہے؟ فرمایا: نگاہیں نیچی رکھنا۔ اذیت روک کر رکھنا اور سلام لوٹانا۔
    بیشتر نقصان جو انسان کے نفس کو لاحق ہوتے ہیں جس نقطے سے پیدا ہوئے ہوتے ہیں وہ 'نظر' ہی ہے۔ 'نگاہ' 'خیال' کو جنم دیتی ہے۔ 'خیال' 'سوچوں' میں ڈھلتا ہے۔ 'سوچیں' 'خواہش' کو وجود میں لاتی ہیں۔ 'خواہش' 'ارادے' کو جنم دیتی ہے۔ 'ارادہ' جان پکڑنے لگے تو رفتہ رفتہ 'عزم' بننے لگتا ہے یہاں تک کہ 'فعل' واقع ہو جاتا ہے اِلاَّ یہ کہ فعل کے واقع ہونے میں کوئی اور چیز حائل ہو۔ اسی لئے کہا گیا ہے کہ نگاہ نیچی رکھنے پر صبر کر لینا اس سے کہیں آسان ہے کہ آدمی اس سے مابعد مراحل کی المناکی پر صبر کرے۔
    نگاہ ایک ایسا تیر ہے جسے آدمی چلاتا ہے مگر وہ کسی اور پر نہیں خود اسی پر چلتا ہے۔ اب یہ تم پر ہے اس تیر کو کتنا تاک کر اور کتنا کھینچ کر چلاتے ہو۔
    ذرا سوچ لیا کرو تمہارے ڈھیلے جب تمہاری آنکھوں کی مچان میں گھوم گھوم کر نشانے تاک رہے ہوتے ہیں کہ یہ تمہیں کن کن خطروں کے منہ میں دے آنے کیلئے پر تولتے ہیں اور کیسی کیسی تباہ کن مہمات پر تم کو روانہ کرنے پر ہر وقت آمادہ رہتے ہیں۔
    'نگاہ' کے ہاتھوں تم کسی تیر کی طرح اپنے ہاتھ سے نکل جاتے ہو اور کیا بعید تم کبھی اپنے آپ کو پھر واپس نہ ملو۔
    نظر کی آفتیں بے شمار ہیں۔ اب یہ کہ ہر ہر نگاہ تمہیں حسرتیں لا لا کر دے۔ کبھی ٹھنڈی آہیں بھرو۔ کبھی کسی ناقابل تکمیل خواہش پہ سو سو بار مرو۔ یعنی ایک چیز پر آدمی کو نہ قدرت اور نہ اس پر خبر۔ جبکہ خدا کی بخشش و ثواب اور خدا سے ملنے والے نعم البدل کی اُمید پہلے ہی نہ ہو۔ یہ اس نافرمانی کے عذاب کی پہلی نقد قسط ہے۔
    کتنی ہی بار ایسا ہوا کہ آدمی نے نظر کا تیر چلایا اور اگلے ہی لمحے اُس نے اپنے آپ کو کسی خاردار جھاڑی کے اندر لہولہان پایا۔
    نگاہ ایک ایسا نشتر ہے جو آدمی کے اپنے ہی دِل پر لگتا ہے۔ آدمی اپنے دِل پر خود اپنے ہاتھوں چرکا لگاتا ہے اور پھر شفا پانے کی آس میں بار بار اسی کا اعادہ کرتا ہے۔
    اسی لئے کہا گیا ہے: نظروں پر قابو پانا حسرتوں کے دوام سے کہیں بہتر ہے''۔
    'خیالات' کی بابت پچھلے شمارے میں گفتگو ہو چکی۔
    رہے 'کلمات' تو ان کا تحفظ یہ ہے کہ آدمی زبان کو بے سود نہ چلنے دے۔ وہی بولے جو اس کے اندازے میں اسے کوئی نفع لا کر دے اور یا اس کے دین کا بھلا کر کے جائے۔ بولنے سے پہلے ہمیشہ تولے آیا یہ بول کر وہ کچھ نفع پانے والا ہے یا نہیں۔ اگر نفع کی کوئی اُمید نہیں تو چپ ہی بھلی۔ البتہ کوئی نفع ہے تو پھر یہ تولے آیا یہ بات کہہ دینے سے سے اس نے اپنے لئے بولنے کا موقع تو ختم نہیں کر لیا جو کہ اس سے بھی بڑھ کر نفع بخش ہو سکتا تھا؟ ایسا ہو تو 'یہ' بول کر 'وہ' بولنا اپنے حق میں فوت نہ کرلے۔
    تم اگر کبھی اندازہ لگانا چاہو کہ کسی دِل میں کیا کیا کچھ ہے تو اِس کا کچھ اندازہ تم آدمی کی حرکتِ زبان سے ہی کر سکتے ہو۔ 'زبان' ضرور کچھ نہ کچھ 'ِدل' کی خبر دے جاتی ہے، آدمی لاکھ چاہے یا نہ چاہے۔
یحییٰ بن معاذ فرماتے ہیں:
    ''قلوب کیا ہیں ہانڈیاں ہیں جو دھری ہوئی ہیں۔ ان میں وہی کچھ جوش کھاتا ہے جو کچھ کہ ان میں ہے۔ زبانیں وہ کف گیر ہیں جن سے پکوان کچھ نہ کچھ باہر انڈیل لیا جاتا ہے''۔
    پس آدمی کو دیکھنا ہو تو اس وقت دیکھو جب وہ بولتا ہے۔ وہ کبھی اپنے اس 'پکوان' کا مزہ چکھائے بغیر نہ رہے گا۔ صاف پتہ چلے گا جو اندر پک رہا ہے میٹھا ہے یا ترش۔ خوش مزہ ہے یا بدذائقہ۔
صحابہ رسول صلی اللہ علی وسلم انس رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ ایک مرفوع حدیث بیان کرتے ہیں:
    آدمی کا ایمان درست نہیں ہوتا جب تک اس کا دِل درست نہ ہو جائے۔ آدمی کا دِل درست نہیں ہوتا جب تک کہ اس کی زبان درست نہ ہو جائے''۔
    آپ صلی اللہ علی وسلم سے دریافت کیا گیا: کون سی چیز سب سے زیادہ انسانوں کو جہنم میں داخل کرائے گی؟
    فرمایا: زبان اور شرمگاہ (ترمذی، حدیث حسن صحیح)
    معاذ رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ نے نبی صلی اللہ علی وسلم سے اسلام کی اساس اور عمود اور کوہان کی چوٹی کی بابت جاننا چاہا تب آپ صلی اللہ علی وسلم نے فرمایا کہ میں تمہیں وہ چیز ہی نہ بتا دوں جو اس سب کا ملوکِ امر ہے؟ کہا ارشاد فرمائیے اللہ کے رسول صلی اللہ علی وسلم! تب آپ صلی اللہ علی وسلم نے اپنی زبان پکڑ کر دکھائی اور فرمایا: بس اس کو تھام رکھو۔ معاذ رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ نے سوال کیا: تو کیا ہم اپنے بولنے پر ہی پکڑے جائیں گے!؟ فرمایا: تمہاری ماں تم پر روئے ارے او معاذ! تو کیا لوگوں کو ان کے چہروں کے بل ___ ایک روایت میں، ان کے نتھنوں کے بل ___ گرانے والی ان کی زبانوں کی کمائی کے سوا کوئی اور بھی چیز ہوگی؟! (ترمذی، حدیث حسن صحیح)
    عجیب بات یہ ہے کہ آدمی پر حرام کھانے سے بچ رہنا آسان ہے۔ ظلم و طغیانی، چوری چکاری اور شراب خوری اور نظرِ حرام ایسے امور سے مجتنب رہنا آسان دیکھا گیا ہے۔ لیکن زبان کو قابو رکھنا بسا اوقات مشکل تر۔ اور تواور ایسے ایسے لوگوں کو آپ دیکھیں گے کہ دینداری اور زہد اور عبادت گزاری میں مثال جانے جاتے ہیں پر زبان کی نوبت آتی ہے تو وہ کچھ بول جاتے ہیں جو اللہ کو سخت ناپسند ہو اور جو انہیں عذاب میں جھونک آنے کیلئے کافی ہو۔
    کتنے ہی پرہیزگاروں کو آپ دیکھیں گے کہ بدکاریوں اور گناہوں سے کوسوں دور رہتے ہیں مگر زبان ہے جو زندوں کی چغلیوں سے تو کیا رکے گی مرے ہوئے لوگوں کو بے آبرو کرنے سے نہ ہٹے گی۔ پرواہ تک نہ ہوگی کہ حضرت کہہ کیا رہے ہیں۔
    ایک بے سوچا سمجھا جملہ آدمی کو کیسے کیسے مروا ڈالتا ہے، دیکھیے صحیح مسلم میں جندب بن عبداللہ کی حدیث: فرمایا رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علی وسلم نے: ایک آدمی بولا: بخدا، فلاں آدمی کو خدا کبھی معاف نہ کرے گا۔ تب خدا تعالیٰ نے فرمایا: یہ ہوتا کون ہے جو اپنی طرف سے مجھ پر بات کرے کہ میں فلاں شخص کو کبھی معاف نہیں کروں گا؟ جاؤ میں نے اسے معاف کیا البتہ تمہارا سب عمل غارت کردیا۔
    کیا معلوم اس عبادت گزار نے کتنی کتنی عبادت کی ہوگی۔ زبان سے نکلا ہوا ایک کلمہ سب کیا کرایا غارت کرا بیٹھا۔
    ابوہریرہ رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ کی حدیث میں بھی ایسا ہی مروی ہوا ہے۔ جس کے بعد ابوہریرہ کہتے ہیں: ''ایک ہی کلمہ اس کی دُنیا اور آخرت برباد کرگیا''۔
    صحیحین میں ابوہریرہ رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ سے مروی ہے کہ نبی صلی اللہ علی وسلم نے فرمایا:
    ''آدمی خدا کی خوشنودی والی کوئی ایک بات کر دیتا ہے جسے بولتے وقت اس کا سان گمان تک نہیں ہوتا مگر اس کے سبب اللہ اس کے درجات بلند کرتا جاتا ہے۔ آدمی خدا کی ناراضگی کی کوئی بات کر دیتا ہے جسے بولتے وقت اس کا سان گمان تک نہیں ہوتا مگر وہ اس کے سبب جہنم میں اترتا ہی چلا جاتا ہے''۔
    جبکہ صحیح مسلم کے الفاظ ہیں: ''آدمی ایک بات بول دیتا ہے اور دیکھتا تک نہیں اس میں کہہ کیا دیا گیا ہے، جس کے سبب وہ جہنم میں اتنی دور تک لڑھکتا چلا جاتا ہے کہ شاید مشرق اور مغرب کا فاصلہ بھی اس سے کم ہو''۔
ترمذی میں بلال بن حارث مزنی نبی صلی اللہ علی وسلم سے روایت کرتے ہیں:
    ''تم میں سے کوئی شخص کبھی خدا کی خوشنودی کی بات کر لیتا ہے جبکہ اس کو گمان تک نہیں ہوتا کہ اس کے اثرات کہاں کہاں تک پہنچیں گے تب اللہ اس کے بدلے اپنی خوشنودگی اسکے لئے اپنے روزِ ملاقات تک کیلئے لکھ چھوڑتا ہے۔ اور تم میں سے کوئی خدا کو ناراض کرنے والی کوئی ایک بات کر بیٹھتا ہے جبکہ اس کو گمان تک نہیں ہوتا کہ اس کے اثرات کی نوبت کہاں کہاں پہنچے گی۔ تب اللہ تعالیٰ اس کے بدلے اپنی خفگی اس کیلئے اپنے روز ملاقات تک کیلئے لکھ چھوڑتا ہے''۔
    اس مذکورہ بالا حدیث کی بابت، علقمہ کہا کرتے تھے: ''بڑے بڑے لفظ میرے منہ پر آئے ہوئے بلال بن حارث کی اس ایک حدیث نے روک دیے''۔
    ترمذی میں ہی حضرت انس رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ کی حدیث ہے کہ صحابہ میں سے ایک آدمی فوت ہوا۔ تب ایک آدمی نے کہا: جنت مبارک ہو! تب رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علی وسلم نے فرمایا: تمہیں کیسے معلوم؟ کیا پتہ اس نے کچھ بے سروکار بولا ہو یا ایسی چیز یا ایسی بات میں بخل کیا ہو جس کے کرنے سے اس کا کچھ بھی نہ گھٹتا''۔ (ترمذی نے اسے حدیث حسن کہا ہے)
    ایک اور روایت کے الفاظ ہیں: ایک نوجوان نے یومِ اُحد شہادت پائی۔ اس کے پیٹ پر ایک پتھر بندھا ہوا پایا گیا جو اس نے بھوک سے باندھ رکھا ہوگا۔ اس کی ماں اس کے چہرے سے مٹی پونچھتی ہوئے کہہ رہی تھی: مبارک ہو بیٹا جنت تمہاری ہوئی۔ تب نبی صلی اللہ علی وسلم نے فرمایا: تمہیں کیا معلوم؟ شاید اس نے کچھ بے سروکار بولا ہو یا وہ چیز دینے سے انکاری ہوا ہو جس کے دے دینے میں اس کو کوئی نقصان نہ ہوتا۔
    صحیحین میں ابوہریرہ رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ سے مرفوع روایت ہے: ''جو شخص اللہ اور یوم آخرت پر ایمان رکھتا ہے اسے چاہیے اچھی بات کہے ورنہ خاموش رہے''۔
    مسلم کے الفاظ ہیں: ''جو شخص اللہ اور یوم آخرت پر ایمان رکھتا ہے وہ جب کسی موقع مناسبت پر حاضر ہوتا ہے تو وہاں اچھی بات کہے ورنہ خاموش رہے''۔
    ترمذی نے صحیح اسناد کے ساتھ نبی صلی اللہ علی وسلم سے روایت کی: ''آدمی کے اسلام کی خوبی یہ ہے کہ وہ لایعنی امور سے مجتنب ہو''۔
    سفیان بن عبداللہ ثقفی سے روایت ہے، کہا: میں نے عرض کی یا رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علی وسلم! اسلام میں مجھے کوئی ایسی بات بتا دیجئے جو آپ صلی اللہ علی وسلم کے بعد میں کسی سے نہ پوچھوں۔ فرمایا: کہو: ایمان لایا میں، پھر اس پر استقامت پکڑو۔ میں نے عرض کی یا رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علی وسلم سب سے زیادہ آپ صلی اللہ علی وسلم میرے لئے کیا خدشہ دیکھتے ہیں؟ تب آپ صلی اللہ علی وسلم نے اپنی زبان پکڑی اور فرمایا: ''یہ''
    اُم المومنین ام حبیبہ نبی صلی اللہ علی وسلم سے روایت کرتی ہیں: ''ابن آدم کا بولا ہوا ہر لفظ اس کے حق میں نہیں بلکہ اس کے خلاف جاتا ہے، سوائے یہ کہ وہ نیک کام کا کہے یا بُرائی سے روکے یا اللہ عزوجل کا تذکرہ کرے۔ ترمذی نے اسے حدیث حسن کہا ہے۔ ایک اور حدیث میں ہے: صبح ہوتی ہے تو سب اعضا زبان کو جھڑکتے ہیں اور اسے کہتے ہیں: ہمارے معاملے میں خدا سے ڈرنا۔ ہم تمہارے ساتھ وابستہ ہیں۔ تم سیدھی رہو تو ہم بھی سیدھا رہیں گے۔ تم ٹیڑھ پن میں پڑو تو ہم بھی ٹیڑھ پن کا شکار ہو جائیں''۔
    سلف صالحین کا حال یہ تھا کہ وہ ایسے ناقابل التفات جملوں تک پر اپنا احتساب کر لیا کرتے تھے کہ مثلاً: افوہ کیسا گرم دِن ہے یا کیسا سرد دِن ہے۔ اہل علم میں سے کوئی بزرگ شخصیت کسی کو خواب میں نظر آئی۔ پوچھا گیا کیسا معاملہ رہا؟ کہا ایک کلمہ ایک بار زبان سے کہہ بیٹھا تھا اس کی وجہ سے روک لیا گیا۔ میں نے کہہ دیا تھا ''لوگ بارش کے کس قدر ضرورت مند ہیں''۔ مجھے کہا گیا: تم بہت جانتے ہو؟ میں خود اپنے بندوں کی ضرورت بہتر جانتا ہوں۔
    سلف اور خلف کے ہاں اس پر اختلاف رائے پایا گیا ہے کہ آیا انسان کا بولا ہوا ہر لفظ لکھ لیا جاتا ہے یا صرف خیر اور شر کی بات لکھی جاتی ہے؟ اس پر دو رائے ہیں مگر پہلی رائے کا قوی ہونا ظاہر تر ہے۔
    سلف میں سے کسی کا قول ہے: ابن آدم کی بولی ہوئی ہر بات اس کے خلاف پڑتی ہے نہ کہ اس کے حق میں سوائے وہ بات جو خدا کے متعلق سے آئی ہو۔
    ابوبکر صدیق رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ اپنی زبان پکڑ کر کہا کرتے تھے۔ اس نے مجھے بڑی بڑی مشکلوں میں ڈالا۔ تمہارے لفظ تمہارے قیدی ہیں۔ البتہ جب تمہارے منہ سے نکل جائیں پھر تم ان کے قیدی ہو۔ اور اللہ ہر بولنے والے کی زبان پر اپنے پہرے دار رکھے ہوئے ہے۔ ما یَلْفِظُ مِنْ قَوْلٍ اِلاَّ لَدَیہِ رَقَیْبٌ عَتِیْدٌ (ق: 18)
    زبان کے معاملے میں دو آفتیں پائی جا سکتی ہیں۔ آدمی ایک سے بچ جائے تو دوسری میں جا پڑتا ہے۔ یا 'بولنے' کی آفت اور یا پھر 'چپ سادھ لینے' کی آفت۔ ہو سکتا ہے ان میں کسی وقت ایک آفت زیادہ مہلک اور آدمی کو گناہ میں ڈال آنے والی ہو اور کسی وقت دوسری۔ پس جو شخص حق سے خاموشی اختیار کرتا ہے وہ گونگا شیطان ہے۔ اللہ کا صاف نافرمان ہے۔ ریاکار ہے اور اللہ کو ناراض کر لینے کی قیمت پر انسانوں کے ساتھ اچھا بننے (مداہنت) کا مرتکب، ہاں البتہ اگر اسے اپنی عافیت کا خدشہ لاحق ہو تو اور بات ہے۔ دوسری طرف، باطل بات بولنے والا شیطانِ ناطق ہے اور اللہ کا پکا نافرمان۔
    اکثر مخلوق کا حال یہ ہے کہ بولنے کا معاملہ ہو تو حق سے انحراف ہوتا ہے اور چپ رہنے کا معاملہ ہو تو حق سے انحراف۔ جبکہ اہلِ وسط جو کہ اہلِ صراط مستقیم میں یہ وتیرہ اختیار کرتے ہیں کہ باطل سے اپنی زبانوں کو روک لینے کا تو پورا اہتمام ہوتا ہے البتہ ان خاص امور میں جو ان کو اخروی فائدہ لا کر دیں اپنی زبانوں کو پوری چھوٹ دیتے ہیں۔ پس آپ دیکھتے ہیں کہ وہ بولتے ہیں مگر ان کا بولا ہوا کوئی ایک لفظ بھی بے سود خرچ نہیں ہوا ہوتا بلکہ ایک ایک لفظ ان کو منفعت لا کر دیتا ہے اور ایک ایک لفظ میزان میں لکھنے کے قابل ہوتا ہے۔ زبان کے استعمال میں وہ کبھی گھاٹا کما کر نہیں آتے۔ جبکہ یہ تو آپ جانتے ہیں کہ زبان وہ چیز ہے جو گھاٹا کھانے یا نفع پہنچانے کا ایک خاص اوزار ہے۔ ایسے ایسے لوگ قیامت کے روز آئیں گے کہ نیکیاں پہاڑوں سے بڑھ کر ہوں گی مگر دیکھتے ہی دیکھتے زبان کی کارگزاری کے ہاتھوں یوں چٹیل اور روپوش دیکھے جائیں گے کہ گویا تھے ہی نہیں۔ اسی پر بس نہیں نیکیوں کے پہاڑ دیکھتے ہی دیکھتے بدی کے پہاڑوں سے بدل جائیں گے۔ جبکہ ایسا بھی ہوگا کہ گناہوں کے پہاڑ ہوں گے مگر زبان کے بولے ہوئے اچھے کلمات جو کہ خدا کے ذکر وتعظیم میں کہے گئے ہوں یا حق کی نصرت واعانت میں، ان سب کو بے وزن کر جائیں گے۔

    رہ گئے 'قدم' تو ان کا تحفظ یہ ہے کہ ان کو صرف اسی سمت میں اٹھنے دیا جائے جہاں سے خدا کی خوشنودی و ثواب کی آس ہو۔ ان کا سارا زور ادھر کو رکھے جدھر سے جنت کی خوشبو آتی ہو۔ قدموں کو مشقت کرانے میں جہاں سے کوئی ثواب اور دین ودنیا کا کوئی فائدہ متوقع نہیں اس طرف کو جانے سے بیٹھ رہنا بہتر۔ بہت سے جائز امور جن کی طرف تمہارے قدم روز بھاگتے ہیں اور تمہیں کشاں کشاں لئے جاتے ہیں اور اتنی ڈھیر ساری مشقت اٹھانے کے بعد کوئی رتی بھر ثواب پائے بغیر یہ تمہیں واپس دھرتے ہیں، ایسے جائز امور کی بابت تم کیوں ایسا نہیں کر لیتے کہ انہی کو خدا کے تعلق سے نیکیاں بنا ڈالو اور انہی کے اندر خدا کی بندگی کے معانی پیدا کرلو۔ تب تمہارا ہر قدم نیکی بنے اور ہر قدم اٹھنے کے ساتھ تم خدا سے قریب تر ہوتے جاؤ۔ نری مشقت کرتے رہنے کا بھلا کیا فائدہ؟!
    آدمی کا ٹھوکر کھا جانا چونکہ دو طرح سے ہے: ایک وہ جو 'پیر' کو لگتی ہے اور دوسری وہ جو 'زبان' کو لگتی ہے۔۔۔۔۔۔ دیکھیے کس خوبصورتی سے قرآن میں دونوں کی جانب ایک ہی مقام پر ارشاد کردیا گیا:
وعباد الرحمن الذین یمشون علی الارض ھوناً و إذا خاطبہم الجٰھلون قالوا سلاماً (الفرقان: ١٩)
    ''رحمن کے بندے وہ ہیں جو آہستگی و وقار کے ساتھ زمین پر چلتے ہیں اور جاہل ان کے منہ آئیں تو کہہ دیتے کہ تم کو سلام''۔
    چنانچہ یہاں عباد الرحمن کا جو وصف بیان ہوا وہ یہ کہ ایک راستی اور استقامت وہ اپنے 'لفظوں' کے اندر رکھتے ہیں اور ایک راستی اور استقامت وہ اپنے قدموں کے اندر۔
اسی طرح ایک دوسری آیت کے اندر 'نگاہوں' اور 'خیالوں' کا تذکرہ ایک ساتھ کردیا گیا ہے، فرمایا:
    یَعْلَمُ خَائِنَۃَ الاَعْیُنُ وَمَا تُخْفِیْ الصُّدُوْرُ (غافر: ١٩)
    ''وہ آنکھوں کی خیانت کو اور سینوں کی پوشیدہ باتوں کو (خوب) جانتا ہے''۔

jews are jews

Jews are Jews since the worshippers of the golden calf who desired a god like the gods of the pagans, breakers of the covenant of Allah at every opportunity, those who said, “We will not believe in you until we see Allah clearly,” those who said, “Go, you and your Lord and fight, we will be sitting right here,” those who distorted words <of scripture> from their proper places, devourers of ill-got gain and usury, those who said that Allah's hand is bound, that Allah is poor and we are rich, slayers of the prophets, concealers of the truth, who forsook commanding right and forbidding wrong, who were cursed on the lips of David and Jesus son of Mary, those who were transformed into apes and pigs…and on and on.

From Qaynuqa', al-Nadhir, Quraytha, and Khaybar who rejected the light at noon, who conspired with the worshippers of al-Lat and al-`Uzza, who planned to kill the best of all creation at first, and finally poisoned his food, whose scandals and abominations cannot be counted, to Herzl and his gang, Begin and his party, to the murderers who came after them –and they are all murderers- those wolves in sheep's clothing, and those who flash their teeth and openly proclaim their terrorism…

To the impudent, hard-hearted persons who aim their bullets at children, who break the hearts of mothers, and who expose the true face of Israel: the 'abomination of desolation,' through their atrocities and barbarism. From those of ancient times to these of modern times, they have not changed their nature. They have not refined their behavior, and their punishment will be no different.

Read along with me what their Bible says about them, and apply what you read to any era you wish, whether the worshippers of the golden calf, or the traitors of Quraytha, or the murderers of Israel today. Rather, apply it to all of them, since there is no difference. For this reason we will quote them without explanation or comment.

Read the description of their rulers, the nature of the people, the characteristics of their priests, the features of Zionist society, its morality, its treatment of others, even its treatment of Allah their Creator; during the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, during the Babylonian exile, during the Diaspora, and in the State of Israel today, you will find that nothing has changed, and that what was true at one time is true in every time. What you will read is merely a drop in the ocean, and it is only from the Bible, not from the Talmud –and what could we say about the Talmud?!

1. Moses:

“So it was when Moses had completed writing the words of this law in a book, when they were finished, that Moses commanded the Levites, who bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord, saying: 'Take this Book of the Law, and put it beside the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, that it may be there as a witness against you; for I know your rebellion and you stiff neck. If today, while I am yet alive with you, you have been rebellious against the Lord, then how much more after my death?'”
(Deuteronomy 31:24-27)
2. David:

Reading Psalm106 you will notice the resemblance between this book and Sura al-Baqara: the enumeration of Allah's blessings upon them and His signs which He has shown them, yet each time they turn away and violate their covenant, worship other gods besides Allah, and reject Allah's blessing. For that reason, they are threatened by Allah:

“Therefore He raised up His hand in an oath against them, to overthrow them in the wilderness, to overthrow their descendents among the nations.”
(vv.26, 27)

“Many times He delivered them; but they rebelled in their counsel, and were brought low for their iniquity.”


With nearly identical terms they are rebuked in Nehemiah: 9.


As for Isaiah, he details and elaborates, but we will summarize with a few choice verses:

“Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth! For the Lord has spoken: 'I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against Me; the ox knows its owner and the donkey its master's crib; but Israel does not know, My people do not consider. Alas, sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a brood of evildoers, children who are corrupters! They have forsaken the Lord, they have provoked to anger the Holy One of Israel, they have turned backward. Why should you be stricken again? You will revolt more and more. The whole head is sick, and the whole heart faints. From the sole of the foot even to the head, there is no soundness in it, but wounds and bruises and putrefying sores; they have not been closed or bound up, or soothed with ointment.”

“Unless the Lord of Hosts had left to us a very small remnant, we would have become like Sodom, we would have been made like Gomorrah.”

“Hear the word of the Lord, you rulers of Sodom; give ear to the law of our God, you people of Gomorrah: 'To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices to Me?' says the Lord. 'I have had enough of burnt offerings of rams and the fat of fed cattle. I do not delight in the blood of bulls, or of lambs or goats. When you appear before Me, who has required this from your hand, to trample My courts? Bring no more futile sacrifices; incense is an abomination before Me. The New Moons, the Sabbaths, and the calling of assemblies- I cannot endure iniquity and the sacred meeting. Your New Moons and your appointed feasts My soul hates; they are a trouble to Me, I am weary of bearing them. When you spread out your hands I will hide My eyes from you; Even though you make many prayers, I will not hear. Your hands are full of blood.'”

“How the faithful city has become a harlot! It was full of justice; righteousness lodged in it, but now murderers. Your silver has become dross, your wine mixed with water. Your princes are rebellious, and companions of thieves; everyone loves bribes, and follows after rewards. They do not defend the fatherless, nor does the cause of the widow come before them. Therefore the Lord says, the Lord of hosts, the Mighty One of Israel, 'Ah, I will rid Myself of My adversaries, I will take vengeance on My enemies. I will turn My hand against you, and thoroughly purge away your dross, and take away all your alloy.'”

“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! Woe to men mighty at drinking wine, woe to men valiant for mixing intoxicating drink, who justify the wicked for a bribe, and take away justice from the righteous man! Therefore, as the fire devours the stubble, and the flame consumes the chaff, so their root will be as rottenness, and their blossom will ascend like dust; because they have rejected the law of the Lord of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel. Therefore, the anger of the Lord is aroused against them and stricken them, and the hills trembled. Their carcasses were as refuse in the middle of the streets. For all this His anger is not turned away, but His hand is stretched out still.”

After this the prophet predicts the punishment that will befall them, realizing that at the time the Jews were in the Babylonian captivity, and had no state or gathering:

“He will lift up a banner to the nations from afar, and will whistle to them from the end of the earth; surely they shall come with speed, swiftly. No one will be weary or stumble among them, no one will slumber or sleep; nor will the belt on their loins be loosed, nor the strap of their sandals be broken; whose arrows are sharp, and all their bows bent; their horses' hooves will seem like flint, and their wheels like a whirlwind. Their roaring will be like a lion, they will roar like lions; yes, they will roar and lay hold of prey; they will carry it away safely, and no one will deliver. In that day they will roar against them like the roaring of the sea. And if one looks to the land, behold, darkness and sorrow; and the light is darkened by clouds.”

We will discuss the description of this nation which Allah will honor with the privilege of fighting a war against His enemies, in greater detail later in this book. Isaiah later says:

“Your iniquities have separated you from your God; and your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear. For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue has muttered perversity. No one calls for justice, nor does any plead for truth. They trust in empty words and speak lies; they conceive evil and bring forth iniquity. They hatch vipers' eggs and weave the spider's web; He who eats of their eggs dies, and from that which is crushed a viper breaks out. Their webs will not become garments, nor will they cover themselves with their works; their works are works of iniquity, and the act of violence is in their hands. “Their feet run to evil and they hasten to shed innocent blood; their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; wasting and destruction are in their paths. The way of peace they have not known, and there is no justice in their ways; they have made themselves crooked paths; whoever takes that way shall not know peace.

“Therefore, justice is far away from us, nor does righteousness overtake us; we look for light, but there is darkness! For brightness, but we walk in blackness! We grope for the wall like the blind, and we grope as if we had no eyes; we stumble in noonday as at twilight; we are as dead men in desolate places.

“We all growl like bears, and moan like doves; we look for justice, but there is none; for salvation, but it is far from us. For our transgressions are multiplied before You, and our sins testify against us; for our transgressions are with us, and as for our iniquities, we know them:

“In transgressing and lying against the Lord, and departing from our God, speaking oppression and revolt, conceiving and uttering from the heart the words of falsehood. Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands off; for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. So truth fails, and he who departs from evil makes himself a prey.

“Then the Lord saw it, and I displeased Him that there was no justice… For He put on righteousness as a breastplate, and a helmet of salvation on His head; He put on the garments of vengeance for clothing, and was clad with zeal as a cloak. According to their deeds, accordingly He will repay, fury to His adversaries, recompense to His enemies.”
5. We read in the book of Ezekial:

“Son of man, I am sending you to a rebellious nation that has rebelled against Me; they and their fathers have transgressed against me to this very day. For they are impudent and stubborn children. I am sending you to them, and you shall say to them, 'Thus, says the Lord God.' As for them, whether they hear or whether they refuse –for they are a rebellious house- yet they will know that a prophet has been among them… Do not be afraid of them nor afraid of their words, though briers and thorns are with you and you dwell among scorpions; do not be afraid of their words or dismayed by their looks, though they are a rebellious house.”
6. In Micah we read:

“Hear now, O heads of Jacob, and you rulers of the house of Israel: Is it not for you to know justice? You who hate good and love evil; who strip the skin of My people, and the flesh from their bones; who also eat the flesh of My people… Thus says the Lord concerning the <false> prophets who make people stray; who chant 'Peace' while they chew with their teeth, who puts nothing into their mouths.”

“You heads of the house of Jacob and rulers of the house of Israel, who abhor justice and pervert equity, who build up Zion with bloodshed and Jerusalem with iniquity…” (3:1-5, 9-12)
7. Despite the claim that they are God's chosen people we read:

“Surely, had I sent you to them <non-Jews>, they would have listened to you. But the house of Israel will not listen to you, because they will not listen to Me; for all the house of Israel are impudent and hard-hearted.”
(Ezekial 3:6-7)

The phrase 'because they are a rebellious house,' is repeated like a refrain throughout the book.
8. Finally, read what it says in the book of Amos, who seems to be addressing the makers of the current peace process:

“Do horses run on rocks? Does one plow there with oxen? Yet you have turned justice into gall, and the fruit of righteousness into wormwood… 'But, behold, I will raise up a nation against you, O house of Israel,' says the Lord God of hosts; 'and they will afflict you from the entrance of Hamath to the Valley of the Arabah.'”

This is only a tiny portion of the detailed descriptions of the Jews found in the books of the Bible. It also includes advice to those who must deal with them, and even greater than that, it describes the method of their punishment, to which we will –with Allah's permission- devote a special chapter.

Sep 29, 2010

This made my eyes wet

Every Friday afternoon, after the Jumma prayers, the  Imam and his eleven year old son would go out into their town and hand out
"PATH TO PARADISE " and other  Islamic literature.

This particular and fortunate Friday afternoon, as the time came for the Imam and his son to go to the streets with  their booklets, it was very cold outside, as well as pouring rain.

The boy bundled up in his warmest and driest clothes and said, 'OK, dad, I'm ready!'

His dad asked, 'Ready for what' 'Dad, it's time we go out and distribute these Islamic books.'

Dad responds, 'Son, it's very cold outside and it's pouring rain.'

The boy gives his dad a surprised look, asking, 'But Dad, aren't people still going to hell, even though it's raining?'

Dad answers, 'Son, I am not going out in this weather.'

Despondently, the boy asks, 'Dad, can I go Please'

His father hesitated for a moment then said, 'Son, you can go. Here are the booklets. Be careful son.'

'Thanks, Dad!'

And with that, he was off and out into the rain. This eleven year old boy walked the streets of the town going  door to door and handing everybody he met in the street a pamphlet or a booklet.

After two hours of walking in the rain, he was soaking, bone-chilled wet and down to his VERY LAST BOOKLET. He  stopped on a corner and looked for someone to hand a booklet to, but the streets were totally deserted.

Then he turned toward the first home he saw and started up the sidewalk to the front door and rang the door bell. He rang  the bell, but nobody answered..

He rang it again and again, but still no one answered. He waited but still no answer.

Finally, he turned to leave, but something stopped him.

Again, he turned to the door and rang the bell and knocked loudly on the door with his fist. He waited, something holding him  there on the front porch!

He rang again and this time the door slowly opened.

Standing in the doorway was a very sad-looking elderly lady. She softly asked, 'What can I do for you, son?' With radiant eyes and a  smile that lit up her world, this little boy said, 'Ma'am, I'm sorry if I disturbed you, but I just  want to tell you that ALLAH REALLY LOVES AND CARES FOR YOU and I came to give you my very last booklet  which will tell you all about God, the  real purpose of creation, and how to achieve His pleasure.'

With that, he handed her his last booklet and turned to leave.

She called to him as he departed. 'Thank you, son! And God Bless You!'

Next week on Friday afternoon after Jumma prayers,  the Imam was giving some lectures. As he concludes the lectures, he asked, 'Does anybody have questions or want to say  anything?'

Slowly, in the back row among the ladies, an elderly lady's voice was heard over the speaker.
'No one in this gathering knows me. I've never been  here before.  You see, before last Friday I was not a Muslim, and thought I could be. My husband died few years ago, leaving me totally alone in this world.. Last Friday, being a particularly cold and rainy day, i was contemplating suicide as i had no hope left.

So I took a rope and a chair and ascended the stairway into the attic of my home.. I fastened the rope securely to a  rafter in the roof then stood on the chair and fastened the other end of the rope around my neck. Standing on that chair, so lonely and  broken-hearted I was about to leap off, when suddenly the loud ringing of my doorbell downstairs startled me. I thought, I'll wait a minute, and whoever it is will go away.

I waited and waited, but the ringing doorbell seemed to get louder and more insistent, and then the person ringing also started knocking loudly....

I thought to myself again, 'Who on earth could this be? Nobody ever rings my bell or comes to see me.' I loosened the rope from my neck  and started for the front door, all the while the bell rang louder and louder.

When I opened the door and looked I could hardly believe my eyes, for there on my front porch was the most radiant and  angelic little boy I had ever seen in my life. His SMILE, oh, I could never describe it to you! The words that came from his mouth caused my heart that had long been dead TO LEAP TO LIFE as he exclaimed with a cherub-like voice, 'Ma'am, I just came to tell you that ALLAH REALLY LOVES AND CARES FOR YOU!'

Then he gave me this booklet, Path To Paradise that I now hold in my hand.

As the little angel disappeared back out into the cold and rain, I closed my door and read slowly every word of this book. Then I  went up to my attic to get my rope and chair. I wouldn't be needing them any more.

You see? I am now a Happy Vicegerent of the One True God. Since the address of your congregation was stamped on the back of this booklet,  I have come here to personally say THANK YOU to God's little angel who came just in the nick of time and by so doing, spared my soul from an eternity in hell.'

There was not a dry eye in the mosque. The shouts of TAKBIR...ALLAH AKBAR.. rented the air.

Imam-Dad descended from the pulpit to the front row where the little angel was seated....

He took his son in his arms and sobbed uncontrollably.

Probably no jama'at has had a more glorious moment, and probably this universe has never seen a father that was more  filled with love and honor for his son... Except for One. This very one...

Blessed are your eyes for reading this message.

Don't let this message die, read it again and pass it to others. Heaven is for His people!
Remember, God's message CAN make the difference in the life of someone close to you.
Please share this wonderful message

Spread His Word, help Him and you'll see His hand in everything you do...

Q 5:3: This day I've perfected your religion for you, and completed my favor on you, and chose Islam for you as religion....

Sep 18, 2010


شیخ عبدالحق محدث دہلویؒ کے مکتوبات میں لکھا ہے کہ ایک مرتبہ دہلی میں قحط پڑا ، بارش نہیں ہورہی تھی، دریاﺅں اور بہروں کا پانی خشل تھا، حتیٰ کہ درخت بھی خشک ہوگئے تھے۔ لوگ پریشان تھے کہ فصلیں نہیں ہورہی۔ قحط سالی کی وجہ سے چرند پرند بھی پریشان ہوگئے۔ سب عوام، علماءاور صلحاءبھی شہر سے باہر آگئے، سب نے نماز استسقاءپڑھی اور دعا مانگی مگر پھر بھی بارش کے آثار ظاہر نہ ہوئے۔ اسی اثناءمیں ایک نوجوان اپنی والدہ کو لے کر قریبی راستے سے گزر رہا تھا، اس نے لوگوں کو اکٹھا دیکھا تو قریب آیا اور سواری سے اتر کر پوچھاکہ لوگ کیوں جمع ہیں؟ لوگوں نے کہا قحط سالی ہے، رحمت کی بارش مانگ رہے ہیں، سب معافی مانگ رہے ہیں مگر بارش کے آثار ظاہر نہیں ہورہے۔ وہ کہنے لگا بہت اچھا، وہ نوجوان گیا اور اپنی والدہ کی چادر کا کونہ پکڑ کر اس نے چند الفاظ کہے۔ اس نوجوان کے وہ الفاظ کہنے ہی تھے کہ آسمان پر بادل چھا گئے اور خوب بارش برسنا شروع ہوگئی۔ علماءو صلحاءاور دوسرے لوگ حیران ہوئے کہ اتنے لوگوں نے توبہ کی مگر رحمت کی بارش نہ برسی، اس نوجوان سے پوچھا کہ اے نوجوان! ہمیں بھی ذرا بتا کہ تیرے وہ کون سے الفاظ تھے جنہوں نے رحمت الٰہی کو کھینچ لیا، تو وہ کہنے لگا میں اس ماں کا بیٹا ہوں جو تقیہ، نقیہ اور پاک صاف زندگی گزارچکی ہے، میں نے جا کر اس کی چادر کا کونہ پکڑا اور کہا اے رب کریم! یہ میری وہ ماں ہے جس نے پاکدامنی کی زندگی گزاردی ہے۔ آپ کو اس کی پاکدامنی کا واسطہ دیتا ہوں کہ آپ رحمت کی بارش برسا دیں۔ اللہ تعالیٰ نے فوراً رحمت کی بارش برسادی۔ [اقتباس-کتنے بڑے ہیں حوصلے پروردگار کے

meri kam tab roshni se sahar na ho gi

us pakistani ko kis ne becha


Iblees ka farman

Sep 15, 2010



  1. Don’t compare your life to others’. You have no idea what their
journey is all about.
  2. Don’t have negative thoughts of things you cannot control.
Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment
  3. Don’t over do; keep your limits
  4. Don’t take yourself so seriously; no one else does
  5. Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip
  6. Dream more while you are awake
  7. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need..
  8. Forget issues of the past. Don’t remind your partner of his/her
mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
  9. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don’t hate
 10. Make peace with your past so it won’t spoil the present
 11. No one is in charge of your happiness except you
 12. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn.
 13. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade
away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a
 14. Smile and laugh more
 15. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.


  1. Call your family often
  2. Each day give something good to others
  3. Forgive everyone for everything
  4. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6
  5. Try to make at least three people smile each day
  6. What other people think of you is none of your business
  7. Your job will not take care of you when you are sick. Your
family and friends will. Stay in touch.


  1. Put GOD first in anything and everything that you think, say and
  2. GOD heals everything
  3. Do the right things
  4. However good or bad a situation is, it will change
  5. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up
  6. The best is yet to come
  7. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful
  8. When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it

Sep 5, 2010

Eid Mubarark

Eid Mubarak to alll my dear friendzzzzzzzzzz

*•. ¸*•.¸*•.¸ ¸.•*¸.•*¸.•*
«•.*♥Eid Mubarak♥*.•»
¸.•* ¸.•*¸.•* *•.¸*•.¸*•.

Sep 4, 2010

You died

You died when you refused to stand up for right.
You died when you refused to stand up for truth.
You died when you refused to stand up for justice."

Carnation: Muslims have no pro-religion leader

Carnation: Muslims have no pro-religion leader

a beautiful gift

Al Quraan Al Kareem(click here)

Trust is Important for Every Relationship

Trust is a very important factor for all relationships. When trust is broken, it is the end of the relationship. Lack of trust leads to suspicion, suspicion generates anger, anger causes enmity and enmity may result in separation.
A telephone operator told me that one day she received a phone call. She answered, “Public Utilities Board.” There was silence. She repeated, “PUB.” There was still no answer. When she was going to cut off the line, she heard a lady’s voice, “Oh, so this is PUB. Sorry, I got the number from my Husband’s pocket but I do not know whose number it is.”
Without mutual trust, just imagine what will happen to the couple if the telephone operator answered with just “hello” instead of “PUB”.

Qaum-e-Aad that suffered the wrath of Allah Pak when they disobeyed Him: A mail that confirms another truth mentioned in the Holy Quran more than 1400 years ago.

Dear brothers and sisters
Recent gas exploration activity in the south east region of the Arabian desert uncovered a skeletal remains of a human of phenomenal size. This region of the Arabian Desert is called the Empty Quarter , or in Arabic, 'Rab-Ul-Khalee'.
The discovery was made by the Aramco Exploration team. As Allah states in the Quran that He had created people of phenomenal size the like of which He has not created since. These were the people of Aad where Prophet HUD Alaehe Salam was sent. 
They were very tall, big, and very powerful, such that they could put their arms around a tree trunk and uproot it. They used to say and there slogan was who is mightier than us? Later these people, who were given all the power, turned disobedient,  against the commandments of Allah Subhana Wat'ala and His Prophet and transgressed beyond all boundaries set by Allah. As a result they were destroyed. 
Allah Pak did not have to do much to kill them but just a small opening was made by the order of Allah Almighty through an Angel who works on the the treasures of Air that Allah Pak has in His kingdom. That emitting air in the form of a fast blowing wind continued blowing for some time and the people were each lifted up in the air and thrown on the ground and they kept hitting striking each other till they all died. 
Accordingly in the next morning they were seen lying on the ground as trunks of trees, so is the punishment and wrath of Allah the Almighty.
Ulama's of Saudi Arabia believe these to be the remains of the same people of Aad that has been clearly described in the Holy Quran, thereby proving another truth that was revealed through the divine book by Allah Subhana Wata'la on His Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sallalaho Alaehe Wassalam almost 1500 years ago
This lesson of Qaom e Aad described (and now having seen their skeletons) in The Holy Quran is for us the last Ummat of Prophet Muhammad Sallalaho Alaehe Wassalam that we must not disobey the Almighty and his messenger in their commandments. May Allah Pak save us from His disobedience. Aamin
Saudi Military has secured the whole area and no one is allowed to enter except the ARAMCO personnel. See the attachment and note the size of the two men standing in the picture in comparison to the size of the skeleton. 
 Sorry i cudnt upload those pic INSHALLAH next time i will try that

Sep 2, 2010

Love of Quran

It is an undeniable fact that no book was ever held as dear as the Quran. There are numerous inspiring stories of people’s love of Quran. We need not go in the distinct past; a look at the biographies of our Ulama who passed away in the recent years is enough to prove this fact. Ramadan is the month of Quran, so we mention a few stories of the servants of Quran.
(1) Syed Ata Ullah Shah Bukhari (rahimahullah) was blessed with immense love of Quran. He used to say in his speeches: “In my life, there is only one thing that I love and only one thing that I hate. It is Quran that I love and it is the British that I hate.” In fact his love of Quran would force him to hate the British. Jews and Christians harbour hardnosed enmity towards Islam and this fact is spread over the holy pages of Quran.

(2) Hazrat Maulana Qari Fateh Muhammad had devoted himself for the service of Quran. Mufti Taqi Usmani rightly says: “Qari Fateh Muhammad was a living miracle of Quran. His tongue was all the time busy reciting the Quran. He was always engrossed in thinking the best ways of spreading Quran education. He was at home in different accents of recitation. During Ramadan, he would lead the prayer of traveeh and recite seven to ten parts of Quran in one night. In this way he would complete the Quran in three or four days. Then he would again recite the whole Quran in some other accent. By the end of Ramadan he would recite the Quran for about ten times in traveeh alone.

(3) Sheikh-ul-Hadith Maulana Zakariya (rahimahullah) was a hafiz and recite the Quran immensely. For 42 years, it had been his routine that he would recite the whole Quran in each day of Ramadan. About his family women, he used to say, “Our family women spend most of their night time in listening to Quran and in the day time, it is their routine to recite about one half of the Quran. My grandmother was hafiz and it was her routine to recite one manzil of the Quran daily. And during Ramadan, she would recite the whole Quran plus one-third of it again in one day. In addition to this, she would recite thousands of tasbeeh as her permanent routine.

(4) Hazrat Mufti Rasheed Ahmad (rahimahullah) memorized the whole Quran in just three months at the age of 46 years. He did this in such a way that he would easily memorize one part of the Quran in one hour. Despite his tough scholarly engagements, he would spend a large amount of his time in reciting the Quran. He would recite five parts in day and as many at night in tahajjud prayer.

(5) Maulana Subhan Mahmud, sheikh-ul-hadith of Darul Uloom Karachi, was blessed with a special fondness of reciting the Quran. For a long time, it was his routine to recite the whole Quran daily. On becoming old and weak, he would recite more 18 parts of Quran. He continued with this routine till the day he breathed his last. During Ramadan, he would set aside all other activities and remained busy reciting the Quran day and night.

(6) Hazrat Qari Raheem Bukhsh was blessed with such immense love of Quran that except for natural human needs, he would not spend a single moment in which he was not teaching or reciting the Quran. His punctuality was proverbial. He never absented himself from teaching duty during 40 years. Whatever salary he withdrew from the madrasah, he returned it to the madrasah in a short period. His son Qari Abdullah said, “Since childhood, I never see my father miss his tahajjud prayer. He would recite three parts of Quran in tahajjud prayer.”

Our history is full of Quran lovers. They were the people who not only recited the Quran by tongue but their every word and action gave the fragrance of Quran, and their routines and prayers were practical explanation of Quran.

Adab e Ishq

Muslims have no pro-religion leader

The founder of Osmania Caliphate, Ameer Osman Khan Ghazi was born in 656 Hijra. He possessed all qualities, which are normally found in the founders of governments. He was wise and intellectual, for enemies he was the hardest but for the nation he was so kind and polite. In case of war, he used to lead the battalion, which developed courage in the troops. After the battle he used to take out poor peoples’ share from the booty (the spoil left by the enemy forces in the Jihad) and the rest he used to distribute among the soldiers. He never kept even a single penny for himself from this booty. He lived a simple life in an ordinary house in which he had no extra-ordinary or informal item. He died on Ramadan 21, 727 Hijra. The assets he left behind included, besides education and wisdom, a cotton gown, a wooden spoon, a salt pot, a few horses of Arabian breed, a couple of bulls which he used for agriculture, and some herds of sheep. His biggest achievement was the publicity of Islam. During his life he convinced the European Christians through his character and simplicity and made them to embrace Islam. In order to enter into the fold of Islam the non-Muslims established relationships with the Turks and instead of calling them Turks, they started calling them Osmani.

The Osmania Caliphate continued for about 600 years during which 37 caliphs and Sultans remained in power. Until the last caliph, the caliphate had become so weak, however, its system still existed. The Muslims of world in general and the Muslims of Hindustan in particular considered the Osmania Caliphate a strong shelter for themselves. However, in year 1908, on account of various incidents, Turk youth stood against the caliphate. Their anti-Osmania Caliphate resulted into a revolt and they announced establishment of an interim government. This was the time when European nations took benefit of the situation. They started hatching conspiracies against Turks. Their mission was not to let Turk youth take a stronger position. So, immediately after the Turks announced establishment of their government, Italy attacked Tripoli, which was the last occupied African territory in the Osmania Caliphate. This military assault ignited fire around the globe and the Muslim from all around the world particularly in Hindustan took part in the Jihad. Poets of that era like Shibli and Iqbal, also played their role in encouraging Muslims to take part in the Jihad. This was the time when a fistful courageous Muslims of Hindustan came forward, put their lives at stake and established a central body called ‘Caliphate Committee’ in Bombay. Later the branches of this committee were set up all over Hindustan. The organizational strategy of this committee was so strong that Muslims of Hindustan used to response on just one call. All Muslim youth had assembled under the umbrella of this committee and they were all the time ready to render every sacrifice for the cause of this body. Not only the Muslim of Hindustan, the Muslims around the globe were also following the suite and gathering at one platform. Besides general public, `Ulama-e-Keram, educated people and young boys were joining the committee. Muslims and `Ulama-e-Keram belonging to different beliefs had joined hand and the strong network of this committee had spread all over Hindustan that it had become difficult for the anti-Islam government and other powers in the world to crush this movement. All eyes of world Muslims were on the Muslims of Hindustan. The united Muslims were in a super power position.

The question arises at this point that what was the reason that the Muslims of Hindustan had gathered at one platform to rescue the decaying caliphate and the caliph? What was so important in the caliphate system that the purdah-observing women of all age groups were giving their ornaments to the committee as donations? What was the reason that poor labourers were offering their all earnings for the protection of the caliph system? People from one end of the country to the other end were overwhelmed by the emotions. The reason to this situation was that although there were some shortcomings in the caliph, the caliphate system was still the strongest shelter for the Ummah and it was in accordance with the teachings of Holy Prophet. The Muslims had inherited this system from Muhammad Sallallahu `alaihe wasallam who was the last prophet of Allah with dual personality. One that he was the dearest prophet of Allah and used to convey Allah’s message to the people and tell them to follow what Allah has said. Second personality of Muhammad Sallallahu `alaihe wasallam was that he was the leader of Muslims and as a leader he used to favour oppressed and punish the oppressor. He used to fulfil all internal and external needs of the state under his rule. With the demise of Muhammad Sallallahu `alaihe wasallam first personality in the shape of Nubuwwat ended, however, second personality continued to exist in different forms. And this personality later was known as Caliphate. Although later caliphs did not care for the sensitivity of caliphate and indulged into some anti-social activities, many came who did never care for the worldly activities of their predecessors and such caliphs were the reason that the pure Islamic system continued in accordance with the teachings of the Holy Prophet.

Let us take the example of Hajjaj bin Yousuf. He had no precedence in the world for his brutality and cruelty. However, when the prays and screams of an oppressed daughter of Sindh reached his ears, he stood up and vowed that unless he would take revenge of injustice meted out to the innocent girl and unless he would eliminate brutality and cruelty from the earth he would not stay in peace. The oppressed girl also had a confidence that at least there was someone who would care for her and she was no more an orphan. She thought after that, no one would dare think of subjecting her to oppression.

Don’t the daughters of today have such feelings? Daughters of Bosnia, Chechnya and Kashmir are thinking they are orphans, they have no shelter and there is no one in 165 Muslim countries in the world who would come for their rescue.

Lets take another example. It was the ending era of Osmania Caliphate. Sultan `Abdul Hameed was in power. The caliphate had become weaker before the Western powers. Their financial position was also shaking and they were under the burden of heavy foreign debts. The caliphate was facing internal and external conflicts and conspiracies. At that time a delegation of Zionists went to meet Sultan and said: “If you give us the territory including Bait-ul-Maqdas and Palestine, controlled by the Muslims, we promise, we’ll pay all debts, the Osmania Caliphate is liable to pay. Not only this we’ll also give you huge quantity of gold.” On this offer, Sultan replied, “If you give me the wealth of the entire world, I would not even give you a fist full of mud of Bait-ul-Maqdas.”

However, later when Mustafa Kamal Pasha announced the end of Osmania Caliphate, Jews started settling in Palestine and in few years a Jewish state ‘Israel’ came into existence and Muslims lost Bait-ul-Maqdas. Lets go back to the Hindustan situation. On one hand the Muslims gathered at one platform under ‘Caliphate Movement’, launched protest demonstrations all over Hindustan, and on the other they sent a delegation to England and other European countries with a couple of demands. Their main demand was that Turk Sultan should be allowed to continue as a ruler who would dominate all Muslims and act as their caliph. But, Turks were not aware with the fact that by announcing the end of Osmania Caliphate and placing demands before the Europeans, they had weakened themselves.

The delegation also included renowned historian and writer, Hazrat Maulana Sulaiman Nadvi. He met a central leader of London and said a few words to him, which invoked me to write this column. He had said: “Christianity can have a number of supporters, why Islam is not allowed to have at least one big supporter?” Alas! How deep are Maulana Nadvi’s words. Jews and Christians neither accepted a supporter of Islam in the past nor today they accept anyone to stand up for the cause of Islam. Yes, Jews and Christians are more than happy if Muslims and their rulers become their followers and take their dictations without any arguments. They are always happy and ready to embrace such Muslims and rulers all the time, either it is White House or it is Camp David their doors are open for such Muslim rulers.

Allah ( God )


It is a known fact that every language has one or more terms that are used in reference to God and sometimes to lesser deities. This is not the case with Allah. Allah is the personal name of the One true God. Nothing else can be called Allah. The term has no plural or gender. This shows its uniqueness when compared with the word god which can be made plural, gods, or feminine, goddess. It is interesting to notice that Allah is the personal name of God in Aramaic, the language of Jesus and a sister language of Arabic.
The One true God is a reflection of the unique concept that Islam associates with God. To a Muslim, Allah is the Almighty, Creator and Sustainer of the universe, Who is similar to nothing and nothing is comparable to Him. The Prophet Muhammad was asked by his contemporaries about Allah; the answer came directly from God Himself in the form of a short chapter of the Quran, which is considered the essence of the unity or the motto of monotheism. This is chapter 112 which reads:

"In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
Say (O Muhammad) He is God the One God, the Everlasting Refuge, who has not begotten, nor has been begotten, and equal to Him is not anyone."

Some non-Muslims allege that God in Islam is a stern and cruel God who demands to be obeyed fully. He is not loving and kind. Nothing can be farther from truth than this allegation. It is enough to know that, with the exception of one, each of the 114 chapters of the Quran begins with the verse: "In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate." In one of the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) we are told that "God is more loving and kinder than a mother to her dear child."
But God is also Just. Hence evildoers and sinners must have their share of punishment and the virtuous, His bounties and favors. Actually God's attribute of Mercy has full manifestation in His attribute of Justice. People suffering throughout their lives for His sake and people oppressing and exploiting other people all their lives should not receive similar treatment from their Lord. Expecting similar treatment for them will amount to negating the very belief in the accountability of man in the Hereafter and thereby negating all the incentives for a moral and virtuous life in this world. The following Quranic verses are very clear and straightforward in this respect:

"Verily, for the Righteous are gardens of Delight, in the Presence of their Lord. Shall We then treat the people of Faith like the people of Sin? What is the matter with you? How judge you?" (68:34-36)

Islam rejects characterizing God in any human form or depicting Him as favoring certain individuals or nations on the basis of wealth, power or race. He created the human beings as equals. They may distinguish themselves and get His favor through virtue and piety only.
The concept that God rested in the seventh day of creation, that God wrestled with one of His soldiers, that God is an envious plotter against mankind, or that God is incarnate in any human being are considered blasphemy from the Islamic point of view.
The unique usage of Allah as a personal name of God is a reflection of Islam's emphasis on the purity of the belief in God which is the essence of the message of all God's messengers. Because of this, Islam considers associating any deity or personality with God as a deadly sin which God will never forgive, despite the fact He may forgive all other sins.
[Note that what is meant above applies ONLY to those people who die in a state wherein they are associating others with God. The repentance of those who yet live is acceptable to God if He wills. - MSA of USC]
The Creator must be of a different nature from the things created because if he is of the same nature as they are, he will be temporal and will therefore need a maker. It follows that nothing is like Him. If the maker is not temporal, then he must be eternal. But if he is eternal, he cannot be caused, and if nothing outside him causes him to continue to exist, which means that he must be self-sufficient. And if the does not depend on anything for the continuance of his own existence, then this existence can have no end. The Creator is therefore eternal and everlasting: "He is the First and the Last."
He is Self-Sufficient or Self-Subsistent or, to use a Quranic term, Al-Qayyum. The Creator does not create only in the sense of bringing things into being, He also preserves them and takes them out of existence and is the ultimate cause of whatever happens to them.

"God is the Creator of everything. He is the guardian over everything. Unto Him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth." (39:62, 63)
"No creature is there crawling on the earth, but its provision rests on God. He knows its lodging place and it repository." (11:6)

God's Attributes

If the Creator is Eternal and Everlasting, then His attributes must also be eternal and everlasting. He should not lose any of His attributes nor acquire new ones. If this is so, then His attributes are absolute. Can there be more than one Creator with such absolute attributes? Can there be for example, two absolutely powerful Creators? A moment's thought shows that this is not feasible.
The Quran summarizes this argument in the following verses:

"God has not taken to Himself any son, nor is there any god with Him: For then each god would have taken of that which he created and some of them would have risen up over others." (23:91)
And Why, were there gods in earth and heaven other than God, they (heaven and earth) would surely go to ruin." (21:22)

The Oneness of God

The Quran reminds us of the falsity of all alleged gods. To the worshippers of man-made objects, it asks:

"Do you worship what you have carved yourself?" (37:95)
"Or have you taken unto you others beside Him to be your protectors, even such as have no power either for good or for harm to themselves?" (13:16)
To the worshippers of heavenly bodies it cites the story of Abraham:

"When night outspread over him he saw a star and said, 'This is my Lord.' But when it set he said, 'I love not the setters.' When he saw the moon rising, he said, 'This is my Lord.' But when it set he said, 'If my Lord does not guide me I shall surely be of the people gone astray.' When he saw the sun rising, he said, 'This is my Lord; this is greater.' But when it set he said, 'O my people, surely I quit that which you associate, I have turned my face to Him Who originated the heavens and the earth; a man of pure faith, I am not of the idolaters.'" (6:76-79)

The Believer's Attitude

In order to be a Muslim, i.e., to surrender oneself to God, it is necessary to believe in the oneness of God, in the sense of His being the only Creator, Preserver, Nourisher, etc. But this belief - later on called "Tawhid Ar-Rububiyyah" - is not enough. Many of the idolaters knew and believed that only the Supreme God could do all this, but that was not enough to make them Muslims. To tawhid ar-rububiyyah one must add tawhid al'uluhiyyah, i.e., one acknowledges the fact that is God alone Who deserves to be worshipped, and thus abstains from worshipping any other thing or being.
Having achieved this knowledge of the one true God, man should constantly have faith in Him, and should allow nothing to induce him to deny truth.
When faith enters a person's heart, it causes certain mental states which result in certain actions. Taken together these mental states and actions are the proof for the true faith. The Prophet said, "Faith is that which resides firmly in the heart and which is proved by deeds." Foremost among those mental states is the feeling of gratitude towards God which could be said to be the essence of 'ibada' (worship).
The feeling of gratitude is so important that a non-believer is called 'kafir' which means 'one who denies a truth' and also 'one who is ungrateful.'
A believer loves, and is grateful to God for the bounties He bestowed upon him, but being aware of the fact that his good deeds, whether mental or physical, are far from being commensurate with Divine favors, he is always anxious lest God should punish him, here or in the Hereafter. He, therefore, fears Him, surrenders himself to Him and serves Him with great humility. One cannot be in such a mental state without being almost all the time mindful of God. Remembering God is thus the life force of faith, without which it fades and withers away.
The Quran tries to promote this feeling of gratitude by repeating the attributes of God very frequently. We find most of these attributes mentioned together in the following verses of the Quran:

"He is God; there is no god but He, He is the Knower of the unseen and the visible; He is the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate. He is God, there is no God but He. He is the King, the All-Holy, the All-Peace, the Guardian of Faith, the All-Preserver, the All-Mighty, the All-Compeller, the All-Sublime. Glory be to God, above that they associate! He is God the Creator, the Maker, the Shaper. To Him belong the Names Most Beautiful. All that is in the heavens and the earth magnifies Him; He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise." (59:22-24)
"There is no god but He, the Living, the Everlasting. Slumber seizes Him not, neither sleep; to Him belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth. Who is there that shall intercede with Him save by His leave? He knows what lies before them and what is after them, and they comprehend not anything of His knowledge save such as He wills. His throne comprises the heavens and earth; the preserving of them oppresses Him not; He is the All-High, the All-Glorious." (2:255)
"People of the Book, go not beyond the bounds in your religion, and say not as to God but the truth. The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was only the Messenger of God, and His Word that He committed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His Messengers, and say not, 'Three.' Refrain; better is it for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him - (He is) above having a son." (4:171)
Source : III&E Brochure Series; No. 2
(published by The Institute of Islamic Information and Education (III&E))

Sep 1, 2010

A Germen view on Islam

A man, whose family was German aristocracy prior to World War II, owned a number of large industries and estates. When asked how many German people were true Nazis, the answer he gave can guide our attitude toward fanaticism. 'Very few people were true Nazis,' he said, 'but many enjoyed the return of German pride, and many more were too busy to care. I was one of those who just thought the Nazis were a bunch of fools. So, the majority just sat back and let it all happen. Then, before we knew it, they owned us, and we had lost control, and the end of the world had come. My family lost everything.. I ended up in a concentration camp and the Allies destroyed my factories.'

We are told again and again by 'experts' and 'talking heads' that Islam is the religion of peace and that the vast majority of Muslims just want to live in peace. Although this unqualified assertion may be true, it is entirely irrelevant. It is meaningless fluff, meant to make us feel better, and meant to somehow diminish the spectre of fanatics rampaging across the globe in the name of Islam.

The fact is that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment in history. It is the fanatics who march. It is the fanatics who wage any one of 50 shooting wars worldwide. It is the fanatics who systematically slaughter Christian or tribal groups throughout Africa and are gradually taking over the entire continent in an Islamic wave. It is the fanatics who bomb, behead, murder, or honour-kill. It is the fanatics who take over mosque after mosque. It is the fanatics who zealously spread the stoning and hanging of rape victims and homosexuals. It is the fanatics who teach their young to kill and to become suicide bombers.

The hard, quantifiable fact is that the peaceful majority, the 'silent majority,' is cowed and extraneous.

Communist Russia was comprised of Russians who just wanted to live in peace, yet the Russian Communists were responsible for the murder of about 20 million people. The peaceful majority were irrelevant. China's huge population was peaceful as well, but Chinese Communists managed to kill a staggering 70 million people.

The average Japanese individual prior to World War II was not a warmongering sadist. Yet, Japan murdered and slaughtered its way across South East Asia in an orgy of killing that included the systematic murder of 12 million Chinese civilians; most killed by sword, shovel, and bayonet.

And who can forget Rwanda, which collapsed into butchery. Could it not be said that the majority of Rwandans were 'peace loving'?

History lessons are often incredibly simple and blunt, yet for all our powers of reason, we often miss the most basic and uncomplicated of points:

Peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant by their silence.

Peace-loving Muslims will become our enemy if they don't speak up, because like my friend from Germany, they will awaken one day and find that the fanatics own them, and the end of their world will have begun.

Peace-loving Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, Rwandans, Serbs, Afghans, Iraqis, Palestinians, Somalis, Nigerians, Algerians, and many others have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late. As for us who watch it all unfold, we must pay attention to the only group that counts--the fanatics who threaten our way of life.

Happy forever

Once there was a rebel sufi sage. He was known for his love for freedom.
 He used to go around the country singing songs of rebellion.
 So the Caliph arrested him and put him in the shackles, from his neck downward,
 but no one could prevent him from singing songs of freedom
. After many days, the Caliph thought of meeting the sage in prison.
 So he visited him and asked whether he had any trouble.

The sage said, “What troubles? I am utterly happy as I am a royal guest,
your guest; how can troubles even touch me? I used to live in a hut
 but now you have put me in a palace. Thank you!”
 The Caliph was amazed hearing such words. He said, “Are you joking?”
 The sage said, “I can say so as I have turned life itself into a joke.”
 The Caliph asked him a straight question,
“Are the chains on your hands and feet heavy and painful?”
The Sufi glanced at his chains and said, “These chains are far away
 from me; there is a greater distance between the chains and me.
 Don’t be under the illusion that you have imprisoned me,
 it is my body, which you have imprisoned, not my freedom.
 You cannot turn freedom into prison, because I know
 how to turn prison into freedom.”







FORTUNE GIVES TOO MUCH TO MANY BUT TO NO ONE ENOUGHقِسمت کتني ہي ياوري کرے انسان کو کبھي قناعت نہيں ہوتي

 سقے نے بھي دو پہر بادشاہت کي 

FORTUNE MAKES A FOOL OF THE MAN WHOM SHE FAVOURS OVERMUCH جِس پر قِسمت مہربان ہو وہ اپنے سے زيادہ کِسي کو عقلمند نہيں سمجھتا ?

My Great Mom

You are the one who dressed me up, for my first day at school

When I sobbed, yelled and screamed at you, you didn't say a word

And instead, took me to the stop and finally with great difficulties

When I some how sealed on a seat, you experienced eternal bliss in your heart

When the bus began to move, I looked back at your diminishing figure through window

Today when I' hve grown up to face the world, I have

realised why I did so, do you know why?

Because you were the one, who meant all-in-one

Gurukul,hostel and school for me

You were always there when nobody was around

you never gave me a handkerchief, when I sobbed

like a leaking tap

Instead you sat beside me till my moist eyes dried and all the pain was gone

Then you looked into the broken and depressed me

And said Realise your deeds, before you express what you feel

That's why today I'have grown upto, look at myself before pointing out at

some one.

You were always by my side, when I was wrong

To lead me the path, on which I am, supposed to finally walk

you read for me fairy tales and strories that thought me things till I

became capable enough to pick one from bookshelf

You bandaged me when I hurt, you nursed me when I was sick. But you

asked me to face it when I was hit.

You made me strong when I thought I was weak

As I grew up, you never considdred referring to anything to learn of the changes I went through

You were always aware of my secrets untold and all the

thoughts of my mind

If you still don't know who you are?

Ask the priest and he will tell you, you are God

Ask an orphan on the street and he will tell you you are his need

Ask a daughter or a son and they will tell you

You are mom Yes, the best teacher and love on the earth.